Ken Yu Kai Squad                            



Squad sessions takes place on the 1st Sunday of every month,  the session starts at 10:00am and finishes at 1:00pm and are held at  St Margaret's Youth & - Community Centre, 5 St Margaret's Close, Prestwich,  Manchester M25 2 LY.


Sessions are fun, friendly and focus on Kata, Kumite, Stength & Conditioning and all round fitness. 


Squad Instructors are:-


Head Coach: Sensei Paul Knowles, 5th Dan,

Kata Coaches: Sensei Chris Baker, 6th Dan and Sensei Denise Shemeld 5th Dan 

Kumite Coach: Sensei Paul

Assistant Coaches : Sensei Martin, Sensei Sean, Sensei Daniel


They are always on the look out for new talent so ensure you attend the KYK courses throughout the year !  you can also speak to your Club Instructor if you would like to attend a squad session.